Last night, my mom and I were talking about all the loved ones we have lost recently. Oh, how its still so fresh in our minds.
My parents foster adults, and last June they lost Jeffrey. Jeffrey was a fighter. He had made it through so many trials throughout his surprisingly long life. I loved him so much, and helped to take care of him. I was fortunate enough to be one of the few who was with him when he passed.
In the picture below, he mustered enough strength in one of his hospital stays to give me a kiss on the forehead. One of the last things he said in the hours before he died was that he wanted me to name a son (if I would have one) after him. Three months later, I was pregnant with a boy.
Earlier this year, we lost my Grandpa and Uncle Bob within weeks of one another.
Grandpa lost a battle with Parkinson's Disease, but was able to be at home when he passed. I cherish the special moments I had alone with him, in the days before his death. He was so peaceful despite the obvious challenges that came with his disease.
Uncle Bob was surrounded by his immediate family in Washington. My heart still mourns for his wife, children, and grandchildren. He was so loved.
Grandma, Uncle Bob, and Grandpa
Then in May, my Grandma suddenly suffered a stroke and was in a coma that same evening. What a shock to our family. She passed away the following week. Our family had to pull together to get through the difficult time. I am so thankful for them. She was a wonderful woman.

Of course I cannot forget to mention another little girl, Salia. She was another child my parents fostered and lost almost five years ago. I was at the hospital when she passed away. She was such a sweetheart. I will never forget her little laugh. Her death was very difficult, being the only one after my biological sister Karin.
Karin died when I was seven. It still feels like yesterday sometimes. I truly believe that she is the drive behind my heart's desire to care for children with special needs. She was my best friend. My daughter has been named after her.
All of this encourages me want to take advantage of my time here on earth. Life is too short for bad attitudes and wasted opportunities. Even when days are difficult and I am spread thin, I am gently snapped back into reality when I think about all I have. I have lips that can kiss my children as much as I want, and a warm body to cuddle them with. How blessed am I??
that was such a wonderful post. i remember you telling me about Karins passing in school and what a sad time it was for everyone. you are such an inspiration