Sunday, October 25, 2009

Blog Stew

Our small family has been quite busy this weekend, hence the no blogging. Throw 3 more children in our mix and things like blogging go out the window. What a fantastic reason though, huh? Highlights of our weekend are included, but in no particular order. Think of it as blog stew, a whole mess load of small tidbits jumbled together to make one great post. Enjoy...

The beauty of being foster parents, is that we can get a call for a child at any time, for placement or respite. This weekend was a respite call. We have had the honor of a providing respite for a child all weekend. It is such a unique experience to open your home and hearts to someone you have never met. We are getting better at it with each step. This was a success.
To add to our ever-bulging Myers home, was my niece Bailey and nephew Austin. I love these kids.

Karin had a great time playing and chasing them around yesterday and today. With every bed taken, Jerome and I had the never dull experience of both Karin and Jeffrey in our bed. Let's just say, I didn't get the best quality of sleep. But totally worth it! Jeffrey is a normal tenant of our King-sized bed, but throw in a very long 2 year old, and things get interesting. I swear, their legs and arms must grow another foot in the presence of sleeping parents.
However, walking around the house with 6 beautiful children sleeping, is like heaven for me. I almost have to make myself stay put, so I don't keep going around in circles checking on everyone. Its like my mothering turns into auto-pilot once all is still. I love it.
Also, there is nothing like being told you are the best cook for making Hamburger Helper. Thanks Bailey! I didn't think a 6 year old could boost my esteem so much. :) I guess one pound of hamburger, and one pan, does equal one tasty meal!
But nothing can top the pure sweetness of a 5 year old child. Austin found a bead in our car on the way to church. On the drive to meet his mom, he commented "Hey Betsy, this bead has 2 holes in it! Now I just need a yarn or a string to make my mom a necklace!" How precious is that?
Now to end with a bang, I just have to throw in a picture with Karin and her mama (stuffed monkey) so all of you can finally put an end to the suspense...

I know you were just dying to put a face to the name! I promise there will be more to come with these two. Karin adds "mama" in all sorts of fun mischief.
Well, I hope you had fun taking a bite of of my very colorful blog stew. Stay tuned, because the Myers home is never bland! There will always be enough to share. :)

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