Pretty much since his first week of life he has been having tummy problems. With our very apparent history of Eosinophilic Esophagitis, my motherly instincts have had to be put on overdrive. I want to catch it early, if possible, to avoid a similar experience of myself, and Karin.
On Thursday, he had a test done at the hospital to check for any physical causes for his vomiting/discomfort. We had proof that he has indeed been refluxing. Our hope is that it stops there. But, if he does have EE, we will take the steps to keep it at bay. This wouldn't be my first rodeo...
In the meantime, we will continue to take it one day at a time!
betsy! im so glad you blog now i can staulk you and your cute family! good luck w/ the surgery and your little one will be in our prayers!! :)