Karin has started dance classes. This is something I am very excited about. I have nonchalantly said for years I would love to get her in them to better channel her very high level of energy. And it works! She is on the go for 45 minutes straight. She loves it, and I get the biggest kick out of watching her.
To top off a big year for her, she will be starting full time school in August. Surprisingly, I am very calm about this next step. It sounds like such a big jump for a 3 year old, but she is one child who will thrive in it. It is a Montessori School within walking distance of my house. She is a constant learner; one who craves knowledge, and I cannot wait to see her grow with it.
Our sweet dogs have found new homes permanently now. There is an eery stillness without the natural sounds of pets around the house. It feels like something is missing. But, I know in time, we may see some good health changes come from it.
We are trying out a "new" church at this time. One that is much closer to our house. We are actually back to our roots, where we first met (aww!). Formally Word of Grace, City of Grace has become our new church home. There have been so many changes since our long goodbye several years ago. It again, is refreshing. The kids seem to love it. Proximity was becoming a growing problem the more our family expanded. Which has increased at an alarming rate! No changes there at this time. But, that can switch at any time. :)
My diet has changed. This has probably been the most bittersweet change of all. I love food. There are no surprises there. One day, a couple months ago, the only thing I had to eat that entire day were homemade chocolate chip cookies. Honestly! I don't think my health could afford many days like that! But, it was changed due to identifying several food allergies. I have noticed a difference, which has been great. The best thing of all is to be able to cook for Karin and I both. I make entire meals with ingredients we both can have. She loves it! I have not seen her happier when it comes to food.
It is amazing how things are in different stages of life. Maybe that is what is happening! We are entering a new phase, a new chapter, where even I don't have the luxury of seeing. Although, I am sure anyone can agree, it would be nice to be in on the secret. I guess this is where true faith gets put to the test, where I trust my maker in whatever lies in front of me! And the best always comes from that! Amen!
school and dance are perfect for Karin! she is such a happy little girl! and full of energy and always chatty and playing and so smart it's ridiculous! She will do great and take some pictures of dance class! i bet she's so stinkin adorable!